Los Angeles (July 29, 2007)

Chris and I were in San Diego for the weekend enjoying the summer weather and visiting his parents. Chris had to go on travel on Sunday night, to LAX, for his Monday morning flight. Instead of us driving home, and then him driving to LAX, we stopped in LA on the way home from his parents. It worked out well because we were able to meet up with Lynell, Phil and their baby, Matthew at the beach and see Phil windsurf a bit!

Matthew, who is 8 months old, really takes a liking to the sand!

... and he liked Chris' feet as well.

Okay, so he liked everything. Here Matthew is exploring the sail on Phil's windsurfer.

Phil checking to make sure Matthew gets the right amount of sand on the sail.

Phil taking off from shore, his second time out.

Phil, Nell and Matthew. Chris and I ate dinner at their place after the beach.